$S^5$: Probing the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds potentials with the 6D map of the Orphan-Chenab stream

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Streams on FIRE: Populations of Detectable Stellar Streams in the Milky Way and FIRE

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The effect of the deforming dark matter haloes of the Milky Way and the Large Magellanic Cloud on the Orphan-Chenab stream

It has recently been shown that the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) has a substantial effect on the Milky Way’s stellar halo and stellar streams. Here, we explore how deformations of the Milky Way and LMC’s dark matter haloes affect stellar streams, and …

How do the dynamics of the Milky Way-Large Magellanic Cloud system affect gamma-ray constraints on particle dark matter?

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Measuring the Mass of the Large Magellanic Cloud with Stellar Streams Observed by $S^5$

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